International book week game


Well-known member
No, I didn't even know Marion Zimmer Bradley wrote a book about Cassandra. I guess I learned something new today.


It was a very good book. I'm not a fan of her sci fi and I think she ran Avalon into the ground with the trilogy, but I did like Firebrand and Mists of Avalon.


Well-known member
Maybe I'll have to check them out then. I haven't read her books since High School so I'm sure I've missed a lot of them.


Nearest book du jour, page 52:

"We were interupted on our journey back to Paris by a frantic call from the bureau."

(I'm reorganizing around the house so every day books arrive and depart from the computer table.)


New member
Nearest book page 52, sentence 5.

"Isn't it a bit grandiose of a college student to be claiming spiritual credit for international political assassinations?" Colin asked blightingly.

That does sound bizarre out of context :confused:


Page 52, sentence 5

"She liked the neat way in which everything fitted onto the printed forms on the desk - names, dates, coffin style, newspaper announcement."

I have so many books with a 5th sentence on page 52, that I just want to open them all and see what they say!


Well-known member
It is called Paris in the Fifties by Stanley Karnow and is in my "to read" stack.

Thanks! My book was a collection of articles on "The Ancient State". I really need to start reading it again.


"In a short time after this, young Stevens hired a house of Major Mack, my brother, employed eight or ten hands, and commenced crystallizing ginseng."


New member
My book was Heartlight by Marion Zimmer Bradley.

It's an odd book that ties together the Colin MacLaren series: The Inheritor, Dark Satanic, and Witch Hill with the Shadow's Gate series: Ghostlight, Witchlight, and Gravelight through the character Colin MacLaren. The book is more like a series of short stories covering the previous books from Colin's viewpoint. Some people consider it the final book in both series. If I had to describe them, I'd say they were modern occult fiction romance thrillers. Not her best work, but fun.


New member
"This was not his normal bedtime, and he'd fallen asleep chiefly from exhaustion."

I haven't even read this book yet, but now I know what happens on page 52. :lol:

Farasha Hanem

New member
EEP!!! I haven't been keeping up very well with this thread! :confused: The only quote I could have guessed (Pride and Prejudice) has already been answered. Oh, well. :confused: :rolleyes:

The reason why I finally realized Daimona's quote wasn't from The Art Of War is because that was where I'd gotten MY quote from! Oyyyyyyy, I need another vacation! :doh: :wall:

Hmmmmm, a quote for today...*gets off the couch and grabs nearest book*

"This will be even more true in super-industrial society than it is today."


Edit: Hang on, let me switch over to the love seat...*grabs top book off stack on the bottom shelf of the coffee table*

"The inner courtyard is guarded by a giant Deku Baba and an Octorok swimming in the small brook."

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"The inner courtyard is guarded by a giant Deku Baba and an Octorok swimming in the small brook."

That's a prize winner- I just don't know what prize would be appropriate!

"I'll see to your horse and mule and get you some supper" is from the book I'm reading again now that it has made it home from Clark.

One of the attorneys asked me which book I wished I'd written- I chose Art of War. Talk about an enduring classic that covers all sorts of situations!


New member
Farasha, the only place I know of where Octoroks live is in Hyrule. Is it a Zelda game guide?

Shanazel, I'm not sure what book that actually is, but it reminds me of "Lonesome Dove". I loves me that book!

From the book I'm currently reading: He wanted to know everything he could about Bishop but it was hard to come by information about a CI that was supposed to be kept secret.

Farasha Hanem

New member
Yes, Andrea, "Ocarina of Time"! :D

Shan, that one line DOES sound like a line from Lonesome Dove, but I wasn't sure that it was a book, so that's why I didn't say anything. Didn't Angelika Houston say that line?
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No, it was from The Gates of the Alamo.

Closest book today: "The clearance rate for burglary, as for other property crimes that we'll look at later, is generally low."

(Hint: my daughter has been doing her criminal justice class homework on my computer. :cool:)

Farasha Hanem

New member
Has to be some sort of law text book! xD

*grabs from break room table*

Page 52...fifth sentence...

"RACHEL MCADAMS Sherlock Holmes: Case of the Missing Sleeve."

bleeeeeeeah, who cares? -_-


Well-known member
:lol: It's all good. What I want to know is what is a "CI"?

The quote from my nearest book now?

“What. I. Aaaaa, shit!”

:lol: Wow, that can sound so wrong!