Is it to late?


New member
This may sound like a stupid question but, I'm 21 and I reaaally wanna do bellydance. I'm going to do it for myself, but I really wanna do it professionally. Is it too old to start at this age? I wasn't allowed to start when I was younger but now that I have my own income and everything I can do it now.


This may sound like a stupid question but, I'm 21 and I reaaally wanna do bellydance. I'm going to do it for myself, but I really wanna do it professionally. Is it too old to start at this age? I wasn't allowed to start when I was younger but now that I have my own income and everything I can do it now.
Not necessarily too late. If you have the resources and time to really train and have access to instruction... Not just a weekly hour and a half class. Plus have some natural ability... it is possible to accelerate. Performing takes practice too. Doing hobbyist venues to practice at performing is important. Also, if you are not MENHAT then you also have to commit, with equal vigor, to learning cultures, music, traditions etc.


"The Veiled Male"
I started at 40. Yes, it was "too late" to be able to be a "top dancer", but I've had fun for 21 years now. 21 years - the same age as you are - you will most likely do just FINE!!