Wonderful dance, love it. I love the rythm and the "stomping" and tossing with the hair.. and shaking with shoulders, so fun and enjoyable. How about you?
If exists something similar with Regge for arab music, for me this is Khalegee!!!
Love love love it
Had a wonderfull workshop with Dandesh at Cairo for Khalegee and it was so fun and education. I still have problems sometimes with getting the feeling in the dance (cause mostly I'm into raqs sharqi) but after time i get over it.
Ooh, it's *gorgeous*! I did a Khaleegy workshop last weekend with an Egyptian teacher called Shafeek Ibrahim, he was so funny when he addressed the class: "This dance is 30% choreography and 70% feeling...you only have 10% feeling, show me more...where is sexy woman, I want to see sexy woman!" He's quite right, of course! Khaleegy is rubbish unless the dancers really go for it and put everything into the movements, especially the hair tossing. It's really difficult to sustain the pushing-the-bum-out-to-the-back movement when we've been taught *never* to stick your bottom out like that in Egyptian dance! It is such fun, both to perform and to watch.
I've seen so many videos of terrible Khaleegy with dancers wafting about in their thobes in a half-hearted manner and shaking their heads about a bit.
Dear Group,
There are two articles on my website about Smari and Gulf styles in general. the articles are "Are we confused yet?" and "Observations of Samri", for those who are interested. (www.raqsazar.com). Oh, and that pink dress I am wearing on the front page of my site is a modern version of thobe neshel, given to me as a gift by a gentleman from Abu Dhabi.
This is one of my speciatly dances and I perform and teach three separate versions of the dance. If I knew how to post photos here, I would post a recent one taken at a photo shoot. I think I sent it to a couple of members..??
Dear Aeesha,
Thank you!! I am fortunate to have learned from native women ( and men, though not so much movement as theory and cultural stuff.) I teach a class on Raqs Nejdi Hadith ( Modern Nejdi dance) with a Saudi freind. She is the only Saudi woman that I have ever met who is willing to come and teach a dance class!! She is wonderful is so willing to share info on her culture.