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Dear Caroline,
Actually, I can name Ardeh where guns and swords are used and the original purpose was to get men revved up to fight, certain Debkes were the same, and some of the dances of the Algerians and Moroccans of which I do not know the names, if they have any, that are Middle Eastern and are war dances. Egyptian men with sticks doing hip drops was definitely about fighting, if you remember correctly. In historical context, the men doing those dances were war mongers, and many still are. You know enough about Middle Eastern dance to know its true.
And if we are talking about belly dance in particular, I have not seen so many men involved in belly dance acting particularly peaceful when challenged in recent days. I have even seen women get pretty physically unfriendly, for example in that one video of Fifi ABdou, where she pushes some poor guy out of her way. The world of dance can be just as violent as war, and that goes for many different kinds of dance. Read Gelsey Kirkland's book if you want to read about the lovely world of ballet. Dance is not all peace and light, and men do not behave as saints just because they dance.
Yes, I was reffering to Belly Dance in particular.
Not all the people who do belly dance are 'nice' people and some may see at as an exuse to be bigger or better than the next. I had a fight scene in the play I wrote and it was based on a real fight I witnessed between two well known Egyptian dancers. I wonder how many men have actually come to blows in the male BD dance scene?
Violence is not a male only pursuit, but you know what I mean about generally the type of men who are drawn to the MED scene. I cant see it being your avaerage Sergant Major or local football hooligan. Again anyone correct me if I am living in La La land.