Hello! I'm very happy to find more like-minded ladies to spend some time with and share info.
I have been dancing for 6 years. I trained primarily under Sarah Mayne of Grand Rapids, MI. I've taken classes with Suspira of Orlando BD, attended drum wkshops with Karim Nagi, will be attending Sahrah Saeeda's JTE I wkshop next week (YAY!), and I currently study with Shamsi of BayouShimmy in Baton Rouge, LA. I am a perpetual student of Middle Eastern Dance!
I teach a small Beginner BD class once a week and I am also a massage therapist.
I look forward to getting to know ya'll more!
Amanda Monjure
I have been dancing for 6 years. I trained primarily under Sarah Mayne of Grand Rapids, MI. I've taken classes with Suspira of Orlando BD, attended drum wkshops with Karim Nagi, will be attending Sahrah Saeeda's JTE I wkshop next week (YAY!), and I currently study with Shamsi of BayouShimmy in Baton Rouge, LA. I am a perpetual student of Middle Eastern Dance!
I teach a small Beginner BD class once a week and I am also a massage therapist.
I look forward to getting to know ya'll more!
Amanda Monjure