Serena Wilson 1990: San Francisco


"The Veiled Male"
Oh. My. Goddess.

One of my all time idols! Video is a bit dark (and old), but watchable. It didn't take me long to ID the music - its John Belezjikian! And it just might be Zildjian Zills she was playing....

Complete routine with 9/8ths section ("Rompi-Rompi"). You don't see this anymore - what with the ridiculously short time limits. I am only perplexed by the lack of floorwork, but you can't have everything!




Floorwork: she was 57 years old when this video was made. Her knee and hip joints may not have been up to graceful descent to and rise from the floor. Mine weren't by that age.

Did you know she studied with Ruth St. Denis when she was a child?


"The Veiled Male"
Floorwork: she was 57 years old when this video was made. Her knee and hip joints may not have been up to graceful descent to and rise from the floor. Mine weren't by that age.

Did you know she studied with Ruth St. Denis when she was a child?
That makes sense and I didn't know that (respectively)! I can still get down more-or-less gracefully if I work at it - forget about getting back up!

Greek Bonfire

Well-known member
She really is sensational. I am always blown away by her. My and Zorba's mutual friend, Cory Zamora, is 72 and I think she still can do some floor work!

Here's an alternative to the Turkish drop that Dahlena made for those who can't do it anymore. I can do this video but the Turkish drop is now in my past <sob>

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"The Veiled Male"
Even *that* is SO not happening! I can kinda sorta do her Jazz split, but cannot do a Turkish fold - haven't been able to do that since I was a kid. I started waaaay too late in life!


I wish I'd seen that video in 1983. Turkish drops were never my thing- looked like a good way to get hurt. I like this descent better than the drop anyway-elegant instead of showy.


"The Veiled Male"
I've only ever seen what I consider the "Turkish Drop dun rite" exactly ONCE. There are tons of "somewhat modified but still spectacular Turkish Drops that I couldn't do those either anyways" that I've seen a few of, but the "spin rapidly and leap into the air and drop so that you're skirt/hair splays around you as you slide to a stop from the spin, now on your back in a Turkish fold" type of Turkish Drop I've only seen the one time. Any here know/remember "The Little Package of Dynamite" Karri Duke?

One of my instructors did that kind of Drop in her nightly restaurant shows for years - MANY years back (centuries before I met her). She explained that it was one of those things you HAD to commit to 110% or it just wouldn't work. One nite - in mid leap she realized she hadn't committed to it and that "this is gonna hurt". They stretchered her off to the ER with a blown knee. The knee recovered enough for her to continue her dance career (she was lucky), but she never did another Drop - and she had to have a knee replacement several years ago.