Teachers in London


New member
Hello! =)

Im moving to North-London this weekend and would like to continue my belly dance studies. But London is a big place and it is very difficult to choose to whom i should turn to. So is there anyone who knows anything about weekly belly dance classes? It would be great if the teacher would be Middle-Eastern. =)
Thank you very much! =)


New member
As in, Estonia?! wow!

There are lots of teachers but the quality varies greatly! I recommend attending a Planet Egypt evening, which is a monthly performance/get-together held in north London. You can get to meet lots of dancers, students & teachers. the website is www.planetegypt.co.uk and it's the last thursday of the month. Another big event is in Dcember in south west London, Fantasia (www.jwaad.com/fantasia) and while i don't rate the quality of dancing/teaching, it is a big event, and this year Randa Kamel is teaching and performing. Possibly another way to find a teacher?

A good teacher tends to take quite a lot of research and I am in south London so don't know north London well enough to recommend anyone. But as a general rule, I've found that the best teachers aren't always the best advertised, so don't give up, keep trying until you find someone who is good!