The dancing image


New member
This is continued discussion from another thread which realted the the 'image' of a belly dancer and this use of make-up costuming and other related issues.

What does the image of a belly dancer conjure up for you?

here are a few examples..what are your thoughts based on image only?


New member
If any of the above images happen to be YOU, and you want it removed, let me know.

This is aimed at being an 'image analysis' not personal.


New member
This is continued discussion from another thread which realted the the 'image' of a belly dancer and this use of make-up costuming and other related issues.

What does the image of a belly dancer conjure up for you?

here are a few examples..what are your thoughts based on image only?

First photo is what I'd most associate with this dance..but if I didn't know any better, I'd assume it was linked to the second photo. The other two are not so good in that a showroom dummy is a show room dummy, and the big girl needs to cover up.


New member
This is really difficult!

They divide up into several categories for me

1. The general public's idea of bellydancers as mystical seductresses, sexy hawt chicks, or funny fat bellied jokes.

2. the "I can see where you are coming from, buuut..."; the ones that plenty of dancers in the global belly dance community would recognise as a belly dancer but the GP might not, people familiar with ME culture might not, and the likes of us might have debates over.

3. the "No sorry, you lost me, what on earth does that have to do with bellydance?"

I've been trying (and failing) to imagine what it was like to hear ME music as totally unfamiliar, and this is similar - how do you "read" a picture of say a Tribal dancer or a folkloric dancer if you are told this is a belly dancer, when you don't have any background information? :think:


Solely based on the pictures, my first impressions are:

1. Theaterish - perhaps inspired by but not BD
2. Commerical BD’er
3. Indian market jumping on the costume band wagon selling to the west
4. Festival or hafla dancer
5. Amcab dancer zar’ing out for the shot (like it!)
6. Pharonic ish
7. That pic is too small to get an impression of what is going on
8. Dressed up baladi
9. Festivally
10. Dina is Dina is Dina...
11. Foreigner, pretty but a little stereotyped
12. Machismo
13. Dudes that might bust out in Tathib
14. Modern cairo


Well-known member
here are a few examples..what are your thoughts based on image only?

American Tribal
What movie was she the slave girl in?
Ummm... not by itself I hope.
Pretty outfit that needs a matching bodystocking.
Overly sexual.
One confident dude.
Looks like fun.
Hard to see.
Nice and elegant.
Where's the beach?


Well-known member
Elecktra will get youuuu....
Is that a cod piece?
Folk group.
Pretty. Wish I could look that good in an outfit like that.


New member
I'm enjoying this thread very much, Caroline. Great idea!

While everyone is making sharp, thoughtful comments, Araidne's make me howl with laughter !

No wonder the general public is so confused.


Over the top machismo.


Cabaret confidence

Folkdance elegance and masculine style

She saw Raquel Welch in 10,000 BC on late night television

Troupe hafla, group choreography

Beladi exuberance
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New member
Ok folks... that was good fun..

next question, which photo so you most identify with (you can have two) and which one do you least identify with?

And everyone can still make general comments about the others!! :lol:

The first one is 'in my dreams and the bedroom!

2nd is what I would most identify with as me as I am..

Third My worst nightmare!! EEW


Super Moderator
1 Tribal, Tribal Fusion - recognisable as a form of BD
2 Oozes sex kitten - the type of pic that that says "yeah! night club/stripper etc not - in my view a good rep of BD
3 cheap ebay goods
4 This dancer gives me the impression she doesn't care about how she looks in her costume - Good for her getting up and dancing but she should try a good power net body suit to tidy her appearance as the skirt looks like it is about to reveal all! - That I don't want to see!
5 Hmmmm could be misconstrued with the legs so open
6 Executioner without the mask
7 Fab folkloric
8 Cabaret Bellydancer yes I would be identify with this
9 Hafla/GP concert time, dancers dressed well sending out good vibes and How I would wish to see BD promoted
10 Dina does Dina, A bit of jungle girl look here, Not being a big fan of a lot of Dina's costumes, I find this one just another letdown
11 Someones idea of a CD cover - the fantasy BD promotion look
12 Hollywood fantasy Cowboy who lost his horse maybe??
13 Love it! Makes me want to watch them dance
14 Another perfect look - the dancer is promoting the beauty in the dance

My 3 choices
14 - is what I aspire too along with the traditional look of real bodies beautifully costumed pics below
4 - is the look I least like, maybe I am old school, but whatever your body shape/type is you can at least dress it accordingly and look decent.
1 - I do love the 'exotic-ness of tribal/fusion and admire how they they draw together so many bits and pieces - If i was 20 years younger I am sure I would be also dancing fusion along with cab and Folkloric

(Hope no one gets upset about my comments of the very badly dressed lbig dancer - the intention is not to put down but to point out that big girls can and do look really lovely - this one just let herself and the entire BD community down IMNSHO)

Below some pics of lovely costumed dancers including a stunning plus size dancer so beautifully dressed These are a very small section of lovely dressed dancers and what represents BD to me, then there is the ATS/Gypsy Caravan and Rachel Brice etc looks, which also appeal.


New member
1. ye s but as a new dancer I might have had a double take at the image but then thought yes I like that!
2. yes I'd have thought that might be a belly dancer and I would have thought well, never for me. Now I think glamour girl in some skimpy sort of belly dance gear.
3. Coins oh yes a belly dancer but this is just a display stand and they should have matched it with the rest of the costume.
4. yes a belly dancer A girl doing what she wants to do regardless of her body shape. But likely to be an amateur. When I first saw Kharis' advert I don't think I had ever given it a thought that anybody could learn to dance then I learnt differently.


New member
5. As a new dancer..ah underwear model...later poss Turkish or Am Cab dancer .
6. as a new dancer ..ah acrobat or modern dancer. Now yes a male belly dance but I prefer them to wear a top!


New member
7. As a new girl..ah what's that kind of dancing mmm yes looks like covered up version of a belly dancer. Now yes RSS style
8.As a new girl: Like that yes looks like might be a picture of an Egyptian dancers. Now yes. replicating Egyptian movies or RSS
9. No I wouldn't as a new dancer thought these were belly dancers..some kind of ballroom. Now. Oh yes dresses for theatre and showcases.
10. As a new girl yes bit racy and unusual but she looks like she could be and now oh......yes..
11. Oh yes, the girl thought that's what belly dancers look like just like Carry on thanks too dubious and a bit cheesy
12. Not then and even now I'd wonder He could be a belly dancer but also folklore, ice skater, ballet anything really
13. Not belly dance folklore
14. As a new girl, I'd have been a bit puzzled but the bra showing would give me a oh yes...can i look like that please!
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