Volunteers Needed-Nov. 14th SF/BA MECDA Gala Show & Fundraiser, Palo Alto, CA


New member
Volunteers are needed for the SF/BA MECDA Gala Show & Fundraiser in Palo Alto, CA, November 14th 11am-9:30pm

Your compensation is free all day admission to the event. You will have a badge to wear so that you may come and go conveniently. We're looking forward to afun and, with your help, a successful event!

Volunteers are needed from 10:30am to 9:30pm. Please choose 2-hour shifts. If you like, you can choose 4 hour shifts by combining two consecutive 2-hour shifts. Please sent email to info@sfbamecda with "Volunteer" in the subject line. In your email, please state the name of the position you would like to fill and the shift(s).

Please submit your request by Tuesday, November 10. Thank you!

Shifts are defined as:

9:30am to 10:30am - Area set up crew only
10am to 12pm
12pm to 2pm
2pm to 4pm
4pm to 6pm
6pm to 8pm
8pm to 9:30pm


Front Desk ending 7 pm
Admission (1 assistant needed each shift)
Dancer Check In (1 needed each shift)

Theater Volunteers needed 10:00am until end of gala show around 9:00pm
Area Set Up Crew - (2 needed 9:30am until space set up is done)
Assistant Stage Manager – (1 needed each shift)
Sound booth - (2 needed each shift)
Sound booth Runners (2 needed each shift)
Door Monitor, Wristband Checker - (1 each needed each shift)
Dressing Room Manager (1 needed each shift)
Dressing Room Assistant/Runner – (1 needed each shift)

Clean Up after Show (3 needed after end of gala show 9:00-9:45pm)

Looking forward to your prompt reply,