Greetings :0)


New member
Hello everyone!

I'm Taslin and this forum is lovely. I have a background in non belly dance (tap, jazz, lyrical, college dance team). I lived in Puerto Rico for a bit and am about avg. skilled in latin dance. Im back in the states and in need of a new venture.

My sights have turned to the art of bellydance. I've always had an interest in North Africa and the middle east.I love setting out to learn about a place or topic or language and fully engulfing myself in the experience.I never had any idea how complex, intresting, and deep bellydance was until the past few months. I had always pushed off learning the art because people would tell me that i "should bellydance" based on my looks, or body type which i basically resented. Imagine my suprise to find such an empowering bellydance community and to learn about the acceptance of all body types, so many styles, and extensive knowledge and skill that each performer has. I am in awe. I love learning about the styles, backgrounds, music, and history of bellydance. I very culturally thirsty and im loving all the information that i see on here about different countries, nationalities, and even religions in regards to the art of bellydance, costuming, and women in general.

I consider my self a strong-yet playful, intelligent woman and i see alot of other people who loves dance.

Happy Bellydancing!


Super Moderator
to the forum Taslin. I'll look forward to hearing about your ventures into the world of Bellydance, I'm sure you'll have fun and fall passionately in love with it ... as we all have.:D


New member
Welcome Taslin! It is always great to see another falling for belly dance! I am sure you will love it as much as we all do! ^.^