Hello from Oxfordshire, UK


New member
Hello to everyone. I have just registered on this forum today. I am a newcomer to belly dancing, having started in January this year.

I live with my husband and children in Oxfordshire, we have two labradors and a pair of harris hawks which my husband flies and breeds from. My daughter who is nearly 17 also dances and has done for about 6 years.

I really enjoy my belly dancing class which I attend once a week. Do wish I could go more often but there are not many classes about. I do practice at home, when I am on my own!

Hope to make new friends and get some tips from this site.


New member
Hello! As it was the first day of Spring yesterday we had snow in London this morning. Nice to see a new member!


New member
Hi there! Welcome from a fellow brit! I'm in London moving down to Brighton at end of april - sit back, relax and enjoy your time here!:D


New member
Welcome and enjoy reading and posting, and learning things.

I'm Maria Aya a Brit addicted lol from Athens Greece, so maybe someday we meet since i'm traveling 4 times per year at England.

Maria Aya:)