Hi from Finland


New member
I'm a 30-something second-time beginner in bellydance trying to cover the basics right now. Unfortunately I don't have time or money to go to regular classes, so I'm relying on the internet for now. This means I'll propably have a million questions for you people (actually after reading the forums for a few days, I'm so confused about all the new information, I don't even know what I'd like to ask :D ).

I've done ashtanga yoga for years, but that's pretty much my experience in any kind of physical activity.

Are there any other Finns in here?


Super Moderator
to the forum & back to bellydance:D Yes there are some Finns here. Hopefully they will spot your Meet & Greet post and let you know who they are. Have fun on your BD journey.


New member
Heippa ja welcome!

There is a lot of information out there :)

Voit käydä vaikka lukemassa minun nettisivujani. Siellä on juttua Egyptistä, vaikka ei niinkään paljoa tanssista. Suomeksi löytyy paljon tietoa monilta nettisivuilta, minun sivuilta löytyy lähes kaikki suomalaiset tanssilinkit.

There is also a lot of infromation in English in the internet, so read, read and read!
I have actually coming a dvd for begginers in a month or two, so that might me something you'd like to get.

Tervetuloa vain!


New member
Hei Outi, ja kiitos linkistä :)

You are right. There's a ton of eberything on the internet, I feel like I've just scratched the surface yet and a Beginner DVD in Finnish (I suppose?) sounds great :) I also have aquestion about shimmies and therminologies, I'd really appreciate if you drop by to give your answer.