So Proud


New member
The belly dance troupe that I dance with had a performance this last weekend and I'm so proud of them. This is the performance that almost never was because our instructor was diagnosed with breast cancer :(. She had to have surgery right in the middle of our prep classes and thought about canceling the performance. However, several students including myself, stepped up and subbed her classes and kept everything running smoothly. Though we are far from a professional group we love to dance and perform. I danced my second solo ever :dance:, had some bobbles, oh well. Overall it went well and we had beautiful weather. I'm so proud of my fellow dancers for coming together to make this performance happen :clap:


Greek Bonfire

Well-known member
It's quite an honor to your instructor that you all persevered on her behalf. This troupe looks very much into what they are doing, and the intros are very dramatic and eye catching indeed!


Super Moderator
Congratulations and well done, I bet your instructor is so very proud of you all:dance::dance::clap::clap:

Farasha Hanem

New member
Hey, I need another thumbs-up! xD ----->

Two thumbs WAY up for not giving up! You are a positive testament to your teacher, and inspiration. Hopefully your performance and your story will bring more attention to breast cancer awareness. God bless your troupe and your instructor---may she have a speedy recovery. Hugs to you all, and congrats on your performance! :clap:


New member
Thank you everyone!!! They truly are a wonderful group of women. Thanks for the well wishes for my instructor. She was very lucky and will be okay. The doctor caught the cancer very early when it was only a 1cm x 1.5cm lump that hadn't metastasized beyond its' original borders. She has 2 rounds of chemo and 6 weeks of radiation, but plans to be back teaching in Feb.


New member
We wait for more

from your troupe!

It is obvious that you have a great teacher and that you are a real dance group, that dances whatever the situation!

My best wishes to your teacher!


New member
Good for you all pulling together - how great is that? Hope all goes well for your teacher; she must be very proud of you all. :cool:


New member
Well done. That last dance looked great fun. I wish your instructor a speedy recover and I'll bet she is bursting with pride for you all perservering and working so hard to perform without her.