Opium Belly Dance - Oldham & Manchester, UK


New member
She must have the world's stupidest husband if he hasn't noticed...............the nights out, the costumes................ Yet again it's the hype to create mystery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's not my point only..I mean has she actually said this. Why would someone who has to keep classes secret be up for performing(and it was for a good cause)?
If she is trying to earn a living, if she is trying to pass on a skill,if she has moved to the Uk and wants her husband to become more open-minded, good luck to her. I find it hard to see how anyone could keep going out to classes secret for very long..advertising as she did on the internet.

And why the need to post in huge pink letters?:think:


New member
also habe you noticed that she claims "After having taught across Russia, Central Asia and Caucasus, I am now in UK to teach you" and elsewher says that she is 21.

It's all b*sh*t


New member
ive been to a few of her classes , that is untill she called me a lesbian.
and as for herself not being on any pictures, thats because her husband doesnt know that she teaches as its against her religion to do so, so therefore she keeps it a secret.

And another thing, why do folks do things that are 'against their religion'. How hypocritical is that? If you're not gonna stick to your religion, then you're not exactly of that religion, are you? It's like having your cake and eat it. Whatever.


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Hani on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads

You know I was trying to be even-handed ( as I always wonder why people feel to need to shout on line especially in pink:D)
But I take it all back having read this link...Oh her sensuous, sexy and raw parties...does hubby like that!!!!

This is not belly-dance in a classic format...this is intersected with other world-dance-styles, which formed into a completely unique intermixture/fusion. !WORLD MEETS BELYDANCE! Or as I like to describe it..."A Middle-Eastern cake treacled with syrup fused from the sugars of the world and sprinkled with some Zouk-Love!

a little snippet......
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New member
Hani on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads

You know I was trying to be even-handed ( as I always wonder why people feel to need to shout on line especially in pink:D)
But I take it all back having read this link...Oh her sensuous, sexy and raw parties...does hubby like that!!!!

This is not belly-dance in a classic format...this is intersected with other world-dance-styles, which formed into a completely unique intermixture/fusion. !WORLD MEETS BELYDANCE! Or as I like to describe it..."A Middle-Eastern cake treacled with syrup fused from the sugars of the world and sprinkled with some Zouk-Love!

a little snippet......

I need a barf bag....


New member
Cool man..I actually have just bought myself a psychadelic long floaty frock and as for the flowers in me hair...well I'm a tribal girl ain't I?
And for getting off to San Francisco as long as your fearsome immigration will let me in, here I come
and I might be over 50;)
But then I never liked Dylan..he mumbles for God's sake...I was a Donovan woman and he's now called Youssef Islam if I am not getting muddled... Now I'm beginning to ramble.....:rolleyes:

thats cat stevens, love donovan saw him a mathew st last year great !!!!!!!!


New member
I dont know about the 'hypocrisy thing' how many people say they are of a certain religion and do something daily which goes against it???

erm... I am trying to think of someone as an example who does not :think:

sorry... I give up.


New member
OK, granted, her communciation with students and advertising approach could have been better. However, I wanted to clarify a few points. Her husband knew she was teaching and in fact took care of the children while she held her classes in the evening - I know this as I have been to her house a few times. Also, most muslim women dance - this is not the issue, the issue is dancing in front of men, which is prohibited. She is no longer in Manchester as she has moved, but I can vouch that she is a highly skilled dancer, with a true passion for dancing. Its unfortunate that her communication approach has shadowed her skill and hindered her popularity in Manchester

Personally, and on a general note, I feel it is unfair to discuss/speculate on, someone's personal situation, homelife, relationship with partner, or sexual orientation, online - just a thought


New member
OK, granted, her communciation with students and advertising approach could have been better. However, I wanted to clarify a few points. Her husband knew she was teaching and in fact took care of the children while she held her classes in the evening - I know this as I have been to her house a few times. Also, most muslim women dance - this is not the issue, the issue is dancing in front of men, which is prohibited. She is no longer in Manchester as she has moved, but I can vouch that she is a highly skilled dancer, with a true passion for dancing. Its unfortunate that her communication approach has shadowed her skill and hindered her popularity in Manchester

Personally, and on a general note, I feel it is unfair to discuss/speculate on, someone's personal situation, homelife, relationship with partner, or sexual orientation, online - just a thought

It is so strange that someone who says she is concerned about the attitude of her religious leaders and yet advertises in such a racy way. Now students do get confused and eventaully irritated by hypocracy.
It's important that people research their market before they make use of their skills.

And er..it was (allegedly )her who was questioning someone's sexuality not the other way around. Someone's sexuality should not be an issue for anyone other than themselves.
Perhaps the lady concerned though might prefer to discuss her position herself or it that not approved of?


New member
Hello...I'm sufiana, the girl from opium bellydance. Whats all this?

Obviously there was some discussion of your advertised classes then an ex-student came on the forum with comment.Perhaps you would like to answer those querys and comments about you and your class. on the other hand you can ignore them!
Whatever welcome to the forum.
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