Bellydance Competitions - What are the judges looking for?


New member
I'm not really sure how they judge either, if I was judging (I'm not a dance judge) but going on my opinion, I did'nt much care for any of the performances, None of them were very creative; I was board rather early on. A lot of the movements were stiff, but that could be from lack of exp...ect. But these things take time, yet even some belly dancers that have a lot of exp don't always move like liquid :), they can forget as well what it's all about and become a bit to commercial (The spins were nice but a bit over done, yet again my opinion.Costumes were nice, and most of the music as well, If I had to pick one of the ladys it would have been #2. I would think in judging a dancer it would have to be from many key points such as; Costume, how moves flow from one to another, style..ect. It's still hard to say even with key points. :confused: