Has a belly dance performance ever brought you to tears?


New member
Have you ever been so moved by a dancer that you got choked up? Even if you didn't cry necessarily did you feel something, that tense feeling in your chest/throat because of the performance?

Who was the dancer? What was the song? Why did it touch or move you?

If it wasn't the dancer perse i'm also interested in hearing what arabic music makes you feel this way-names, artists.

Ive had this experience w/ a few lyrical performances (non-BD) but i am interested in hearing about who and what moves you about this art.

Sorry if this is too mushy-gooey but i live for that feeling and would love to know who moves you.


Super Moderator
Yes, three times that were very powerful.
The first time I saw a dancer with the modern egyptian style. I realized that THAT was something completely different and exactly what I wanted to pursue. I know the dancer but I can't remember the music. It was very beautiful and emotional.

Then two times by Nour, the russian superstar. For me, her energy and charisma is like a big sun, and when she comes on stage I get all confused inside because I feel so much that it runs over :lol:


New member
I have had several emotionally moving experiences during performances. Some live and some on video.

Classic sounding arrangements of Enta Omri and Alf Leyla We Leyla get me every time. Raises the hair on my arms- literally. I've been all teary too.


"The Veiled Male"

It was by one of my dance sisters, Lana (Google "BellySema"). She did some kind of veil thing with floorwork that literally brought tears to my eyes. It was many years ago, so I can't remember specifics...


New member
yes, Lucy of DC - she has brought me to an emotional edge before with her performances, one in particular to an Um Koulthum piece really struck a chord.

Musically, I'm a sucker for camp music. The live music at FolkTours and Mendocino's Middle Eastern Music and Dance camps and some of the dance performances I've seen at those places has brought me incredible elation, I believe a feeling of true tarab.


New member
Only once. It's a video of a performance done by Amustela, in memory of one of her students, a victim in the VA Tech shootings. You can feel the anger, the rage, the sadness, the desperation to understand, and most of a all, a woman saying goodbye in the only way she knows how. It's about the 6 minute mark of the 10 minute video that you can truly see straight into her soul.


New member
Oh my goodness....that sounds so raw and intense. I cant even imagine all the emotions she'd be feeling while dancing. That is sad.

Greek Bonfire

Well-known member
I wasn't exactly brought to tears but I was completely and utterly blown away when I saw the folkloric dancing by Mohamed Shahin. He really does true Egyptian dancing like no one I've ever, ever seen before. It made me very, very happy.


New member
One of my instructors is bringing in a performer that she said brought her to tears. It was the "authenticity" of the performance. I guess she felt so strongly connected to the roots and origins of that particular dance via the performance of the entertainer (the dancer conveyed this energy and sense of taking you there with her)-which would be an amazing experience.

Its weird because when i watched the same performer at first i didnt know what she meant, but when i saw the dancer my first thought was "whoa, shes the real deal". I normally dont judge like that, but she is just the real deal Holyfield.


New member
A few weeks ago, an otherwise unknown dancer performed a veil dance to the song "Yearning" by Paul Ferrando.

It was not only a dance, but an Ode to Joy, a Hymn to Life, an Anthem to everything beautiful in this world!

Many people in the audience cried and hugged, and whenever I think of it, tears of joy come to my eyes.



New member

... took a while but I found out who she is - her stage name is Moona, she is a dance teacher and choreographer in a small town called Schwebheim, that's in Germany.

That's all, I haven't found any videos of her.
But she certainly got a load of new students after that performance :)