Lasik eye surgery


AFK Moderator
I'm getting my eyes fixed on july 8th of this year!!! Its going to cost me $3100 but it soo will be worth it. I'm really excited to get this done and want it done now but 2 months will give me time to save up and allow my mom to fly in to help take care of me afterward.

Has anyone here had this done? If so how has your experience been and what did you get done?


New member
I had it done about ohhhhh 11 years ago and I'm quite pleased with the results. I went from barely being able to read the top letter on the eye chart to being 20/40 so I can drive legally without correction and that is great with me. Since then I do keep eye drops handy just in case and sun glasses. You will be wearing sunglasses a lot for the first few months afterwards. I discovered that it was quite difficult to drive at night for a few weeks afterwards because my eyes were sensitive to oncoming head lights. I am so glad I got it done.

Farasha Hanem

New member
Oh,I wish you all the best, Cheart. *hugshugshugs* I've never had it done myself, but I do wear contact lenses. Can't read without 'em! :lol:


AFK Moderator
Thats good to hear Teela, thanks.

I have to wear glasses or contact lenses all the time to see anything clear. I'm really hoping that all goes well and that I come out with good vision that I don't need glasses.

I was told i'd need reading glasses when I get to be 45ish since that is when the eye naturally start to decrees in the ability to read.


Super Moderator
Good luck Cheart, I am sure it will go well, they won't do that type of surgery unless they know it will be of help.


New member
Good luck!

My aunt had it done ages ago (+10 years ago, I don't have any memories of her with glasses anyway) with great results. Meanwhile, my boss at a previous job had it done twice and is still wearing glasses (she had very poor vision to begin with, though).


New member
A lot of friends of mine had this surgery done and they are all happy they did it. I am tempted but I am too chicken to go ahead!
Anyway, it is just me as everybody else who had this treatment had no problems at all.
All the best and good luck.


New member
Good luck. I hope it will turn out well. If I had so much money I did not have to prioritize I would have it done to, but as I do only have a slight sight variation, I am a little bit long sighted, but I can read a book or the computer without glasses then it get a bit pricey for me. But I have heard allot of good things about it.


New member
I had this done about 7 years ago - and it was one of the best things I've ever done for myself in my life!

I had terrible eyesight - one of those people with really high prescriptions that everyone is shocked at. I had Lasik surgery and it took about 15 minutes in and out, and I could see directly afterwards. Healing was great, super fast, and my eyesight has been perfect ever since!

I think with PRK (slightly older procedure) you had to wear sunglasses for awhile but if it's Lasik you're having you'll only be a bit sensitive to light and have dry eyes the first couple days. I didn't have a problem with it. You might see halos around lights at night for the first week too til the swelling in your corneas goes down but really, it all heals amazingly quickly.

Obviously I can't speak highly enough of it, my own experience of it was great and totally life-changing. Best of luck to you!


AFK Moderator
Thanks. I went for the custom so that it will help cut down on the risk of having halos afterwards.

I'm starting to get really excited as my surgery date gets closer. It is good to hear that so many people have had good experiences with it.


AFK Moderator
Well I got it done early on tuesday this week and so far I am loving it. No complications and no problems with it at all. Still waiting for my right eye to heal up and hopefully come Monday at my next checkup I will have 20/20 vision.

Farasha Hanem

New member
I'm so happy your lasik went well, and admire your bravery. It took me years to break down and replace my glasses with contacts, because I had a fear of touching the surface of my eyes. When it comes to eye surgery, just the thought of it fills me with terror, so I give you HIGH KUDOS. :D


Super Moderator
Glad to hear it went well, I am sure you won't know yourself when your right eye heals and you have that 20/20 vision:D


AFK Moderator
Contacts and touching my eye never bothered me at all. I'm so happy to be contact and glasse free. Just hope that I don't have any regression back to my old eye prescriptio cause then I'll have to get touch ups. The only uncomfortable part was the part where they put the braces in to hold your eye open. No pain but very uncomfortable. Plus it makes your eye bloodshot where it brusises it.

Farasha Hanem

New member
Contacts and touching my eye never bothered me at all. I'm so happy to be contact and glasse free. Just hope that I don't have any regression back to my old eye prescriptio cause then I'll have to get touch ups. The only uncomfortable part was the part where they put the braces in to hold your eye open. No pain but very uncomfortable. Plus it makes your eye bloodshot where it brusises it.



New member
I had this done a couple of years ago, so I wish that I'd seen this thread before now. I only had mine done because I had pretty bad vision AND couldn't wear contact lenses anymore at all.
If I had had the opportunity to wear contacts, I don't think I would have gone for it, though.

My surgery went okay too - I am soooo happy and relieved that yours did as well!


AFK Moderator
granted it is expensive but at my age getting it down now will save me more money in the long run. I was starting not to be able to wear contacts for an extended period of time becuase they were drying my eyes out.

So far I am elated with the resutls and am seeing 20/20 vision now.