New girl from Virginia


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Hi. I just thought I should introduce myself properly. I'm Robyn, a college student, majoring in Deaf Education, at a small state university in Virginia. My stage name is Mira, which I chose because it is my Hebrew middle name. I'm fairly novice at belly dance, but I think I've been learning fast (maybe dancing for years before helped).
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Welcome to the forum, Robyn/Mira! :D What kind of dances did you do before starting with belly dance?


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Welcome to the forum, Robyn/Mira! :D What kind of dances did you do before starting with belly dance?
I did jazz and ballet until I trashed my right knee (and had surgery) when I was 14 (doing, of all things, running!). Then I did colorguard my junior and senior years of high school. I'd heard that belly dance is low impact for the knees, and since I've now had surgery on my left knee as well (turns out I have a chronic knee condition in both my knees!), and wanted to continue dancing, I turned to belly dance.


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Hi,welcome to the forum! That's really cool that you're studying deaf education. My hubby and I have just started learning sign language. :D Happy posting.

belly taz

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Hi,welcome to the forum! That's really cool that you're studying deaf education. My hubby and I have just started learning sign language. :D Happy posting.
Did you start learning for any reason in particular? Or did you and he just decide to learn? My boyfriend's SIL wants to start teaching her 3 month old ASL, because of some of the really awesome benefits of using baby sign language


New member
Hi Robyn,
I've always wanted to learn but what got us going was my little girl. She was watching a children's signing video on tv (Talking Hands). She started incorporating some of the signs (like more and cookie etc) into her speech, she seems to really like it. Then my husband (who is very indulgent) bought her this set called Signing Time. It's made by a woman who was in a band, one of her daughters is deaf and the other one has a variety of special needs so she used her talents to make signing videos for kids. Anyway there's lots of singing and signing and my dd enjoys them alot.

I think it's great to teach kids alot of things (in a fun way) because it's just so good for them to learn as much as they can. I think your bf's sil is right to want to teach her child to sign because I've heard it can really help cut down on temper tantrums. I think signing is great because it's like a foreign language and everyone should know how to speak more than one language.

Also we met a woman who teaches signing and she lent us some videos and we're planning on taking a class at a community center whe they start up again at the end of summer. So I guess it's just for personal enrichment but it's fun. What about you?


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I started because I wanted to start taking a new language after taking 9 years of Japanese, and didn't feel like learning French, German, or Spanish. And ASL was the only other option.

As far as the degree? Originally, it was to prove my dad wrong. He said I wouldn't get anywhere with ASL (he wanted me to go into marketing). Now, it's because I know I want to teach, and I want to use my language skills.