You know you are a bellydancer when....


New member
... when the oddest, most unlikely thing reminds you of things you've read in the forum.

(this weekend I watched 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' again and could not help being reminded of the various discussions about authenticity and feeling of the dance during the entire movie :confused: )

... when you can no longer watch a dance scene in any movie without dissecting it, regardless of style.


New member
Zurah said:
... when you can no longer watch a dance scene in any movie without dissecting it, regardless of style.

LOL!! Not neccesarily dancing though. My sis and I were watching a sort of beautypagant the other day where the girls got to learn how to walk on a catwalk. At some point I started making comments about one girl swishing her arms about in a weird manner, when my sister told me at a very annoying tone: geez, it's not bellydancing you know!!:lol: (but then again, she has been dancing too for about 1,5 year, so she'll start doing that in the future I guess:lol: )

... when you spend 1,5 hours at a copy shop explaining to the copy-girl how you want the flyer for your teachers hafla to be printed, and, when she messes it up over and over, you keep patient after all cause it should look it's best:cool: .

... when you walk around with a cane all the time (so yeah, we get a lot of saidi classes lately)

... when you feel torn between a number of songs when choosing ONLY ONE for a solo to dance at the next hafla.. there's so much I want to do!!:confused:
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New member
lol Kharmine:D

... when you avoid any cd store that does not have a Middle East Section.
(yes, I hate it but it's true, we have two of these in town:mad: )


New member
... when you can't sleep because the song from your performance is still playing in your head, even though the performance is already over, and your hips automatically start moving :rolleyes:

da Sage

New member
When you attend a fetish fashion show, and find yourself clapping supportively along with the techno music, a la hafla.:clap:
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New member
Your a newbie and you find yourself on a forum reading and typing away asking questions and watching utube clips of BDers. You find yourself shimmying and doing figure eights and hip circles, you ask your husband to watch you do chest lifts and he looks at you like your crazy. lol


New member
..everyone in the room goes "oh would you please stop that? I'm going to take down that mirror sometime you know?" When again you're looking in the mirror closest by to see how that move looks now you've practised....


New member
has someone done this one yet?

When you don't want to go on vacation to the beach because you don't want to miss class.


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When you read on the forum about someone saying they was concerned about such and such becoming obsessed and you're jealous...okay it isn't controlling every aspect of my life yet but that's the goal...:D
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New member
Hahahah Stacey! I more or less feel the same when I read some people have 3 or 4 classes a week and want to have even more, while I have one weekly class and one monthly class. Then I think omg how can I become good when other people take soooo much classes, LOL! Though on the other hand it's nice to also have time for yoga class and such :)
Nice new picture by the way.


New member
Yep stacy, those both sound familiar! For me, dance is already consuming most of my time. I do study in university and have a small social life outside the dance community also:lol:
I actually stayed home from vacation with my parents to attend Leila and Farouq's summer-week of workshops last year.. I had a blast there lol!

but the one thing I think about 24/7 is dance, dance, DANCE!!

Hehe Moon,
I wish I had time to take yoga and such, I wish I could take time to get a job and make some extra money (to have some I don't spend on dance)... I wish... sigh.;)
By the way, thanks for being at our hafla last weekend girl!! I loved having you there!:D :cool:


New member
You know youre a bellydancer when...

you happily thank another forum member for coming to another city for attending your teacher's hafla!! hihi lol, thanks dear!


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...when you want to see another forum members dance so badly you miss the last bus to go home and have to pay an expensive taxi so you don't have to walk home 2 hours in the middle of the night :rolleyes: ;)
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New member
Well so far the dance isn't consuming all my physical time, but it does consume my thoughts...and I do worry about talking about it too much to people that don't do it...Moon, I'm with you...I'm about to finish the semester up at school and plan on signing up for a second class (with my original teacher)...oh I'm thinking about starting yoga too...Thanks about the picture-I took it the day I got my hair done-I can't make it look like that myself...

da Sage

New member
You are thinking about skipping/cutting back on your Ren Faire work, because your dance teacher will be offering advanced classes at that time.:think:


New member
You are a beginner dancer and are afraid of getting caught doing dance moves so you go to the bathroom at work and practice in front of the mirror...with the door LOCKED! lol