I want to learn....


New member
My training is Egyptian with a mix of Cabaret...but i would really like to learn Turkish. Also maybe Tribal someday.

Outside of belly dance, I would love to learn ballet


New member
I'd like to learn drum solos! I love drum solo music, I really want to choreograph a dance, been watching so many videos!

I'd also like to learn some Turkish style and learn some of the Arabic language.

...jeez, I don't want much do I?! (sarcasm) ;)


New member
Totally agree about the Egyptian! To me, audience interaction is why I dance. I love the whole "entertainment" idea. I want to have fun, and get the audience to share that with me.

I currently dance with a Tribaret troupe that specializes in festival dancing. Not so "audience driven", like restaurant dancing, if you know what I mean.