I want to learn....


New member
I sooooo want to learn ATS. There are classes an hour drive away from me, but right now I can't justify that. One of these days.

Anyone else have a style they would really like to learn?


Well-known member
Tribal Fusion but I have a great deal to learn of the basics of Cab let alone ATS first.


New member
I'm in the same boat you're in. Dying to do some ATS but only have egyptian style teacher here. I'm begging some local Tribal gals to teach me and have my fingers crossed! At the meantime I'm enjoying my teacher and ATS dvd's.

Amanda (was Aziyade)

Well-known member
I have access to a group that does it, but they really take a half-ass approach to it and that doesn't sit well with me.

So I'm wondering -- age old quesion -- can you learn ATS from video? Assuming you already have a background in Oriental.


New member
i don't even know if there are any local ATS girls in town here, but next class i will ask. there's an advanced girl that i know who dances I'll check with her. my teacher does a cab, oriential style fused with some bollywood so i'm enjoying it, BUT i think ATS is my calling. the next town 10 min drive away is an egyptian class & he offers drop in so i might check that out just to compare.


New member
I have access to a group that does it, but they really take a half-ass approach to it and that doesn't sit well with me.

So I'm wondering -- age old quesion -- can you learn ATS from video? Assuming you already have a background in Oriental.

yeah half assed approach wouldn't sit well with me either. not sure if you can learn ATS from video? i'm getting my background in Oriential probably just been dancing that for a month...lol. so i'm still a baby dancer :D


New member
Well..........I'm trying, but it would be so much better to have a live instructor. The dvd's are kind of boring and repetative but working with what I've got!

Amanda (was Aziyade)

Well-known member
The dvd's are kind of boring and repetative but working with what I've got!

Well... most of the ATS classes I've seen are structured that way. Repetitive, not necessarily boring :) LOL.

It almost seems you would need to work together as a group, if you planned on doing group improv. Develop your own cues and combos and such. If you're just wanting a little ATS flavor in your dance, it seems like you could get the basic presentation from videos. But I know -- classes are WAY more fun!


New member
that's what i'd want to be doing the group improv work with a group develop our own cues & combos. i guess a dvd could give you an idea, but you'd need a class to get the full experience imho.


New member
I want to learn:

Tribal Fusion- Rachel Brice style, we have this super goth style near where I live and I respect what theyre doing, but its just not me, I enjoy Rachel Brice's snake like grace, in comparisonto this weird crawling on the ground thing they do


Bollywood- I would lovelovelove to learn Bollywood dancing, this might come as an unusual comment but, I am not Indian, and this Bollywood dance group is in a very large Indian community and there are only Indian girls dancing, I want to join, but I would feel awkward, not because I would be the only "non indian" but more like i dont want to impose on them, maybe they would think me of wierd *le sigh*


New member
There are lots of instructional and performance videos of Rachel Brice and as she is a solo artiste no reason why you cannot emulate her. If you get a good local belly dance class that will give you the underlying technique even if not the "style". The Goth ladies sound dedicated to their kind of performance but if at the roots of what they do is sound belly dance technique they could benefit what you wish to do as a solo artiste as learning from DVDs is never the best way.
The Bollywood...why not ask to join..I'm sure you don't need to be Indian to be a competant dancer ..after all Belly Dance is not Western either and we have produced some good belly dancers!
If they don't want you because you are not of Indian origin...then mmmm do you want to be with them as that smacks of something unpleasant.
A member of this board is an expert African dancer and that is not her ethnic origin. My cousins are African and I have no doubt cannot dance a step of African dancers and I bet we have many Brits of Indian origin who have no interest in their dance.
If you feel a calling towards a dance form and a respect for its' origins, I believe we have every right to "have-a-go". Otherwise what am I doing on this forum?:lol:


New member
I want to learn... zills! I think it's so important to have a prop that you're good at.. :) it can change a performance completely and I don't have anybody in my area that teaches zills. My current teacher has learnt zills, but doesn't like them so we don't use them.

I would also love to learn Egyptian. I don't think that it's a style I'm passionate about, but I would LOVE to learn it - purely because of the emphasis on audience interaction! I love that, and I think it's underestimated in the BD community... :)


New member
i borrowed a great idea from another dancer on this board. i'm going to vancouver for about 2 weeks in August during my vacation & it is my goal to do at least one drop in class on ATS so I can at least get a taste for it. i've even started looking for teachers in vancouver that i could drop in on :dance: should be fun


New member
Teehee, gypsystacy my intentions in my travels later this month are the opposite of you style-wise! I'm feeling a little ATS/Tribal Fusion-ed out here in Halifax (the tribal kids are practically falling from the sky when it rains, along with burlesque and circus-type acts and dancing!) so when I'm in Quebec I'm going to try and go more old-school/traditional. I'm thinkin' maybe Saidi or Raks Assaya with Aziza (just e-mailed to book a private class!) and looking for a second class or something to drop-in on. I'd also like to find some Samba dance classes (Rio style, not ballroom).


New member
I want to learn laybacks but I don't know if I'm physically capable of doing them. There's also some turns in ATS I'd like to learn.

For those wanting to learn ATS from a video, you can, but you'll miss some of the optical illusions. There's a lot of movements that look one way when you're watching it on a TV, but look and are performed completely different if you watch them live.


New member
Teehee, gypsystacy my intentions in my travels later this month are the opposite of you style-wise! I'm feeling a little ATS/Tribal Fusion-ed out here in Halifax (the tribal kids are practically falling from the sky when it rains, along with burlesque and circus-type acts and dancing!) so when I'm in Quebec I'm going to try and go more old-school/traditional. I'm thinkin' maybe Saidi or Raks Assaya with Aziza (just e-mailed to book a private class!) and looking for a second class or something to drop-in on. I'd also like to find some Samba dance classes (Rio style, not ballroom).

oh that's funny. i WISH i had a ATS/Tribal teacher here in town. i love my teacher & would continue taking classes from her as was as tribal.

i'm excited as my summer classes start up woo hoo. we will do mostly drills or theme nights & not learn any new dances over the summer. BUT the cool part is there will be two classes tonight bellydance & after that bollywood...woo hoo i can FINALLY fit bollywood in. my teacher has done workshops & the timing just hasn't worked out. but tonight woo hoo.

Greek Bonfire

Well-known member
As much as I like to watch ATS, I would venture more towards ITS because I don't like it that ATS uses just the right side for most of their moves. I like a dance that uses both sides of my body.


New member
oh that's funny. i WISH i had a ATS/Tribal teacher here in town. i love my teacher & would continue taking classes from her as was as tribal.

i'm excited as my summer classes start up woo hoo. we will do mostly drills or theme nights & not learn any new dances over the summer. BUT the cool part is there will be two classes tonight bellydance & after that bollywood...woo hoo i can FINALLY fit bollywood in. my teacher has done workshops & the timing just hasn't worked out. but tonight woo hoo.

We're doing the same actually, my ATS-minded teacher is doing a cabaret "sampler" for the summer. We're doing canes for two weeks, zills for two weeks, then working on improv skills for two weeks. Should be a fun summer :) I am also considering bollywood but I'm on the fence about that.


New member
We're doing the same actually, my ATS-minded teacher is doing a cabaret "sampler" for the summer. We're doing canes for two weeks, zills for two weeks, then working on improv skills for two weeks. Should be a fun summer :) I am also considering bollywood but I'm on the fence about that.

oh that sounds like fun. great idea. we did ATS last night wow, plus right after that an hour of bollywood. ATS was fun & i enjoyed it. my teacher is considering bringing in a dancer from edmonton to do a workshop for us in ATS so if she does that would be fun.

bollywood is hard work. or i found it to be. in this class we are learning a dance that my teacher put together. she is indian so i notice that she is able to provide more subtle suggestions to add flavour when teaching the moves. sure is fun though.

then tonight i'm off to ballroom dancing...sigh...i just need a night to sit & do NOTHING!!!!