You know you are a bellydancer when....


New member
...when more than 50% of your status updates and wallposts on Facebook is BD related in some way.

...when you ditch a boyfriend for dissing bellydance.

...when you have the homeless guy who just asked you for spare change hold several coins from a hipscarf for you while you're trying to dig out "real coins" for him from your wallet.

...when you catch yourself thinking "How can my local public library NOT have 'this or that' material on bellydancing on their shelves - that is outrageous! What kind of a "Learning Place" IS THIS!?" and feeling genuinely upset on behalf of the unfortunate inhabitants of your whole city for being cheated of obtaining what you have come to believe as "common basic knowledge for ANYONE interested in dancing, stageperforming and/or foreign culture studies"..." :D

...when you consider 'finding the bellydance' to have quite literally saved your life.

...when your friends have stopped asking you "oh, what kind of workshop?" when you tell them you're going to a workshop next weekend.

...when your friends and family wouldn't dream of asking you to prioritise something else over bellydancing unless it is almost life-threateningly important for them, because they know that you have to dance for you to continue being to be the person they know you and love you for being.

...when the sentence "I missed dance practise yesterday" coming from you has people who know you well sitting up straight, looking alarmed in the exact same fashion as the sentence "I quit my meds yesterday" from a schizophrenic patient would have a psychiatrist do. :rolleyes::)

...when you join a website for upcoming bands in your country for the sole reason of skimming for new music suitable for experimental bellydance and "getting to it" before anyone else, hehe...

(Plus a resounding YES to most of the former posts in this thread! :D)


New member
Dear Lise, WOW! Your list is awesome!!!

...when you start missing and digging up old threads like this for the sole purpose of reassuring that you are still very madly, deeply and truly a bellydancer (and to be able to then answer YES to almost every line in this thread makes you able to breath calmly again).

*goes off to hug stuffed camel*:lol:

Farasha Hanem

New member
When you open said cellphone and discover there's bits of glitter stuck in the inside:lol:

YAAAAAY for glitterfairies! XD :lol:

My ringtones are either Bellydance or Bollywood! :D

Now I want a coined cell phone case... *looks at her pile of brocade and trim in the corner*

...when your co-manager knows that you're a bellydancer (without you even telling her) and tells your new assistant manager, and he responds with, "Yeah, we've already had issues with her schedule." XD :lol:

...when you get angry with someone, and your response is, " May one thousand camels spit upon your sandals!!!" XD :rolleyes: :lol:
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Super Moderator
Your ring, message & alarm tones, are all BD music and your phone screen pic is a bellydancer. You hear the hint of ME music and your body goes into Auto mode & you do a chest sway or slide, realise where you are (usually in a shopping centre or other public non BD arena) & stop that hipdrop & shimmy before everyone around you thinks you have lost the plot!


...when you catch yourself thinking "How can my local public library NOT have 'this or that' material on bellydancing on their shelves - that is outrageous! What kind of a "Learning Place" IS THIS!?" and feeling genuinely upset on behalf of the unfortunate inhabitants of your whole city for being cheated of obtaining what you have come to believe as "common basic knowledge for ANYONE interested in dancing, stageperforming and/or foreign culture studies"..." :D

...or when you think "Hey, the public library should have this book/DVD" and suggest for them that they buy it and provide the library with urls to essential data about the book, why and where to buy it.
(Yep, more than half of the bd related stuff in my local public library were my suggestions.. ;))


New member
...or when you think "Hey, the public library should have this book/DVD" and suggest for them that they buy it and provide the library with urls to essential data about the book, why and where to buy it.
(Yep, more than half of the bd related stuff in my local public library were my suggestions.. ;))

Egzaggely! :dance:

Hehe thanks,'s not easy coming up with new "You know you are a..."-lists when one is late in joining the party late...! ;)

There are so many fun and thoughtprovoking bits and pieces in this thread! :D


New member
... when you are watching the Winter Olympics, see the downhill skiers in their Lycra suits and wonder idly why they don't slap a few Swarovski crystals on there.

Not bead danglies, obviously, but.... :rolleyes: :whistle: :redface:


... when you are watching the Winter Olympics, see the downhill skiers in their Lycra suits and wonder idly why they don't slap a few Swarovski crystals on there.

Not bead danglies, obviously, but.... :rolleyes: :whistle: :redface:

...or when you look at the figure skaters to get costuming ideas. :lol:

...get annoyed because you don't agree how the figure skaters interpret the music (or get the feeling that most of them really don't).


New member
...when you realise you've just watched Maria Aya dance on youtube again.... for the 3rd time this evening!! (this is quite enjoyable though:D)


New member
aagh!! When you're watching CSI and one of the investigators says "the victim OD'd...." the words Oriental Dancer spring to mind and you silently wonder "was the victim a bellydancer?".....:think:


New member
when instead of admiring a child's glittery sequin artwork from school all you can think of is how good those sequins would look on a bd costume...



New member
...walking outside and stopping cause there's something in your shoe, you find a little gold coin:cool:


New member
. . . when the Art Program at your corporation sends out an email asking if any of the female employees want to submit 2-D pieces of art for "Women's History Month" and you think, "Do videos of my performances count as 2-D?"


New member
... considering naming your next pet after a famous BD'er.

... talking with your friends who are not dancers about belly dance, for about 20 minutes where you explain lots and lots about a workshop, feeling a little bit too excited (and they have listened to you so many times, they actually almost know what you are talking about).
Afterwards it's almost a little embarrassing.

... having hard letting go of either costumes or hip scarves that don't fit you anymore (Maybe I can use the small hip scarf for my head??)

... having a hard time concentrating on work / homework since YouTube and the forums are just a click away....
you know you are a bellydancer when...

Oh Lord I know I am one.:dance:
You know you are a bellydancer...when you need to visualize the confident ready to take on the world self... you're wearing a gorgeous bd costume and you actually feel the weight of the belt on your hips.


New member
... having a hard time concentrating on work / homework since YouTube and the forums are just a click away....

:lol: so true. I even try to log in when I'm on the uni library and should be doing research, it's terrible:naghty:
