

New member
Not really a horrible warm up. Boring music and the background is terribly distracting. The camera angles tend to be odd too during parts. It doesn't seem bad. Makes me want to see the rest of this video.


New member
Those really short skirts were bugging me. I thought it looked like an average aerobics warm-up in funny outfits. I noticed the backwards counting- typical in aerobics class but not a dance class. I'm curious about the rest of the video too! Who is the instructor? Is she a dancer?


New member
Seriously, some trashy "costumes". I totally agree. There is no link on the video for like a website to obtain the video or who the publishing company is. Or who the heck this instructor is, for that matter. Very strange.


New member
I think the instructor is Oreet who has won the Bellydancer of the Year competition last year.


New member
The website looks really good despite my initial reaction to the skirt thingies. There's the standard unproveable fluff in the "about belly dance" part. But-it's Oreet, she's a very good dancer! This is being presented as a belly dance for fitness program with ACE/AFFA credits being offered for certification and also a companion DVD on Amazon. I teach belly dance and also regular fitness classes, so I'm interested in what she has to say. I teach belly dance like a regular dance class but add in elements from pilates and yoga in the streches. I warm up with belly dance movements only. I'd like to see why and how she intigrated the two.

Makeda Maysa

New member
We (The NDC) sponsored a workshop with Oreet last year and I loved every second of it. She taught the choreography she'd used to win Bellydancer of the Year and it was fun and quite lively. I've not taken any actual "SharQui" classes with her, but I would certainly try them out. She's an engaging teacher.


New member
I didn't focus on the costumes. I just watched the workout and I liked the moves. One of my instructors does a similiar workout at the beginning of class...Not the same moves, but similiar moves a bit simpler. It looked relaxing and it also looked like she completed stretching all the muscles.