Obama or McCain?


New member
Hi Amri! Oil is the cause of many conflicts, even among oil producing nations. Many countries are poor because they cannot afford oil for farming, infrastracture, shipping, transportation, etc. The price of oil is one of the great factors that dictate the economy of countries.

Sweden, Japan, Scandinavia, US, Canada, Denmark have hydrogen fuel stations already. Pollution is very drastically decreased with the use of hydrogen fuel instead of gasoline. I think it will take a little more time, though, for this to be completely developed.

What I wish for in the future is, as Khanjar mentioned, more alternative sources of energy. Then oil will be cheaper! It will still be needed as source of energy, of course, but more affordable. In the future, I wish for poor countries to be able to use their own resources for sources of energy and be more self-sufficient rather than rely solely on oil. But that's just my humble opinion ;)

Well, Angela, hope the world will still exist by the time ur dreams comes true. Because for many countries the only source of prosperity is their oil. It's their bread & butter, and believe me, the day when oil will not be needed any more will turn the majority of "developed" countries into the " 3rd world" countries.

Even now days it's possible to change an oil fuel into hydrogene fuel...But nobody does it... Because If the oil is not necessary any more, half of the world's countries economy will be ruined. Nobody will let it happen until there's any oil in the world left...But one day it will be changed anyways. And I hope that till that day the USA will not destroy our world with another " brinning-peace-to-countries-that-actually -don't -need our-help-but-we-need-their-oil" war, because if more than 2 countries are involved in a conflict, it's a war... And the 3rd world war will be an atomic war. And 1 atomic bomb is enough to destroy one half of the world, and make another half suffer from radiation & die slowly & painfully....But those politicians will never understand it.......

da Sage

New member
I live in Virginia and I voted for Obama!!!

I forgot to mention, I voted for Obama too! Everyone in my family will be voting for him (except for my ancient grandmother, who is afraid of having a black Muslim president :rolleyes: and voted early for McCain - I called her in a last-ditch effort to convince her to vote for Obama, but it was too late!).

The last few months of the campaign have been a total drag - if I ever see Michelle Bachman on TV again, it'll be too soon.

Tarik Sultan

New member
He did it!

When I was young there use to be a joke we'd tell. A Jew an Italian and a Black man meet God. The Jew asks God, "will there ever be a Jewish president"? God says, "yes but not in your life time". The Italian asks, "How about an Italian president"?, God answers again, "Yes, but not in your life time". The black guy ask, "will there ever be a black president"?, God says, "Yes, but not in my life time".

Can't tell that joke anymore.


New member
By now, it is all but official.. Obama winning the election. Congratulations to all who voted for him. Now, we can do is simply wait to see what the next term will bring. Even when the candidate I don't want wins, it is always a bit amazing to realize that we live somewhere that the people have a say in who is in charge and the power to change what we don't agree with or confirm what we like.

Pirika Repun

New member
I'm part of HISTORY!!!

This election was my first primary election after I got my citizenship in 2005. I'm soooooo glad I'm part of the history!

I went the voting place near my house around 8:20AM, then when I finish vote it was 10:20AM!!! :shok: I had been waiting 2 hours!!! :mad: Good thing was I had book and music, so I was ok. Just my back was killing me for standing and waiting in long line. :mad:

When I saw voting machine, I was very surprised, because machine was like 100 years old!:shok::rolleyes::shok:

(This is not exactly the machine, but close enough)

My best friend said this machine is the best, because you can't cheat! I agree with him, but is this for 2008???? :think:

Tarik Sultan

New member
Lets pray that he is given strength and wisdom and not corrupted by power. Now after his term lets see about electing a Native American Woman!


I did the mail in ballot so I voted early and no line.

The state of Oregon, where Salome and I live, has had vote by mail for nearly a decade now. A revolutionary idea where the ballot is mailed to registered voters a couple of weeks ahead of time and voters may fill them out in their own homes and either drop them off at a polling place or mail them in.

i have never had to stand in line when the old system was in place or when I lived in Seattle, but i much prefer the mail in or drop off ballot system.



New member
yes the Blackhouse!!! hahahahahahahyipppppppppppppppyyyyyyyyyyy have a great day all!!!!!!!!!bam ta ta bam ta....bam tata bam ta

Tarik Sultan

New member
Here is two clips of McCain/Palin mob they spoke their mind ... :lol: :lol: as if they have one :rolleyes:

Disturbing isn't it? However, the fact is that although there are still many people like them, the minds of the country ARE changing. These clowns are going to have to deal with the fact that this is not the lilly white country they would like it to be. This country belongs to EVERYBODY. And if it doesn't then we all should get the hell out and give it back to the Native Americans it was stolen from. Its about time they realize we can't have a country for only one type of people anymore. They are going to have to get use to seeing black, brown, red and yellow faces in places and positions of influence that they tried so hard to keep out. If they don't like it, let the get the hell out and go somewhere else and leave America to the real Americans. Many people, one nation!