How's the weather?


New member
Dear Gang,
It is going to be all of 8 degrees today and then with the wind blowing.....yikes.
But, we in the inland Northwest USA have been spoiled with warmish winters for some time. Things are just getting back to the way they were when I first moved here. I had a hot flash driving home from rehearsal last night during the -2 degrees or whatever it was, in my little old truck with a meagre heating system. I did not care what temperature it was in or out. I was yelling over the Christmas music on the radio, "GET ME THE HELL OUT OF THIS DAMN COAT BEFORE I ROAST TO DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
who is much cooler this morning, thank you!

:lol: As the husband of a woman at "that time of life" your post struck a chord.

Many's the time I've found my wife sitting at her laptop in her home office doing lesson prep in the all together. :shok:

..... or been driving through winter landscapes huddled in my winter woolies with the heater full on ... and the passenger window wide open as she writhes and contorts to shed her outer layers without removing her seat belt. :(

etc etc etc.... :lol:


Ah, it is a relatively balmy negative eleven degrees this morning. Our low of -20 yesterday shattered all records for the date. Such nice, crisp weather. Tennis, anyone?


New member
We had a low of -21 the night before last. Awful. It's 10 today and it almost feels warm. :lol: The snow is still hanging around.


New member
It reached about 15° today and the streets are icy. In fact, I slipped (but did not fall) on the ice and my back nearly gave out. Oh my achy back!


It's WINTER! A time when even zero can feel like a breath of spring! Hurray! Whee! Drag out the dogsleds and parkas! Whoo-hoo!


New member
I hope your back feels better Sultan! The weather is insane! We had a blizzard two weekends ago dropping over a foot of snow, then lake effect snowing...another 8+ inches. Then another snowstorm this past weekend...8+ inches. Today it was snowing when we left home...about 6 inches had fallen and I am betting it is still Another snowstorm is predicted for the weekend. I don't know where we are going to put anymore snow! And...when it is not snowing...It is so bitter cold you can't stand it! lol I really wish it was summertime.


Ten degrees F and overcast here. We had a bit of snow yesterday, but nothing like what is socking the midwest and even the northwest!


New member
45F / 7C here and cloudy :cool:. Any of you lot from the States/Canada want to go to the beach? :lol:

Seriously, my daughter lives near Seattle and has been snowed in for a week so I sympathise. I see hail and rain is forecast there over the next few days.

Marry Christmas to all!

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Aisha Azar

New member

Ten degrees F and overcast here. We had a bit of snow yesterday, but nothing like what is socking the midwest and even the northwest!

Dear Shanazel,
We have had about 25 inches of snow in the last week. Yesterday it was the most lovely snow, rather sharp almost square flakes that lay on the older snow and did wondrous things with the light. It was like glitter in the air, falling so slowly. I did have to go out as I had forgotten some necessary ingredients to make pies today, but it was not too bad. Okay, it wasn't great but I lived. My husband is coming home from his job this afternoon in a town about 200 miles away, and I hope he beats the 5-8 inches we expect today and tonight. right now it's that very fine, fast snow and it looks like it is planning to be serious!!


Looks like your white Christmas is insured, A'isha. Our snow has mostly blown off and the wind is doing its best to blow everything else away as well.

Aisha Azar

New member

Looks like your white Christmas is insured, A'isha. Our snow has mostly blown off and the wind is doing its best to blow everything else away as well.

Dear Shanazel,
All the better to hasten 8 tiny reindeer on their way!!!! I hate to admit that I have never gotten over listening very hard to see if I can hear their dainty little hooves on my roof on Christmas Eve as I lay in bed..... Santa was never quite as intriguing as they were ( and still are!!) for me. For some reason I adore reindeer, even the ones that can not fly.
This is one of my favorite Christmas tales. Katy Azar, a native of Jordan, did not believe in reindeer. She thought they were mythological creatures rather along the lines of unicorns or centaurs or something. I tried to convince her they existed to no avail. Finally I got this bright idea that I would find a reputable magazine with photos of them, etc. So I found an article on the Chukhsi tribe of Russia, who raise them, in Discovery or some such mag. I took it in and she read part of the article, perused the photos in depth and finally looked at me with a deep suspicion in her eyes and asked, "Okay, then how do they fly?" Good question, Katy, I don't know how they do it either!!!
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All reindeer (or anyone else) have to do to fly in Wyoming tonight is to walk outside! We have a good 40 mph sustained wind out there with some considerably more impressive gusts. The temperature is falling toward zero, even without the wind chill, and if we just had a bit of that snow you have up your way, we'd have a real nice little blizzard to cheer our holiday. But the animals are all in, the fire is burning in the woodstove and I am not planning on going anywhere tonight, so let it blow!

I love your reindeeer story, A'isha. Happy Christmas to you.



New member
It's going to be in the 70's here winter....:shok:

I hate it! This dumb weather messes with my mind. I want my 4 distinct seasons back!


13 degrees F and the wind has died down to a gentle roar. Yesterday morning one of the 75 mph gusts tore the shingles off our garage roof and threw them into the neighbor's house 50 yards away. A few years ago, a similar gust tore a two by four off the neighbor's barn and put it through our garage wall. Winter in Wyoming ain't for sissies.

Aisha Azar

New member

Dear Gang,
Dec. 27th. We have about 26-27 inches of snow on the ground and I woke up an hour ago to see more of if pouring down in fluffy flakes. It's amazing how ,any kinds of snow there are! I have a show tonight and I was rather hoping no more of this would happen for a few days. They are also predicting warmer weather and if an ice storm happens we are in big trouble. So,e years ago so many trees lost so many branches all over the city and we had no electricity for 3 days but there were people with no heat, lights, etc for 3 weeks in the middle of winter. It was ugly....
We could use some of Shanazel's wind to blow some of the stuff around.

Aisha Azar

New member
Winter winds

Dear Shanazel,
I just want to commend you on your generosity!! I am taking a break from a sewing project just now. But in my sewing room, when I look up and out the window, the snow is blowing around quite nicely and coming out of the Juniper tree that lives right outside. It is a glorious sight and if we do have an ice storm, this wind will save us.